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Best Free Cloud Hosting Providers for Small Business

We have put together the Cloud hosting providers that are offering Free services, some for 30 days trail and others with credit to test thier cloud services.

Google Cloud PlatformAmazon Web ServicesMicrosoft Azure
Google Compute EngineAmazon EC2Azure Virtual Machines
Google App EngineAWS Elastic BeanstalkAzure Cloud Services
Google Cloud BigtableAmazon DynamoDB

Microsoft Azure

Azure is available in 34 regions around the world, with plans announced for 6 additional regions and to support your requirements and preferences regarding data location. Link for Free Trail Start free with $200 in credit, and keep going with free options. Explore Microsoft cloud by trying out any combination of Azure services for 30 days.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform, offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user